Contacts Kaitlynne Anderson 740-885-8966 or Mark Ullman 740-350-6682
Application Process
1 All concession vendors that have interest in operating a concession stand at the Washington County Fair must fill out an application.
2 A complete menu of what you wish to serve at the Washington County Fair must be submitted with the Application
3 The Fair Board Committee will review all applications, monitoring the products that wish to be sold holding down on overduplication of products/services.
4 The Fair Board Committee reserves the right to restrict products or services offered by any and all concessions.
5 After the Fair Board Committee has reviewed the Applications, the concession vendor will be contacted and offered a contract.
6 All applications are due by May 15
7 All concession vendors that submitted an application will be contacted within 1 week of application deadline.

Spots available in the Merchants Hall, Jr Fair Building and Outdoor Areas to showcase your merchandise, equipment, company, business, and so much more! The possibilities are endless.
Please see Application for more information: